Gallery/Scrapbook Demonstration

One of Drupal's strengths is the ability to add Custom Content Types to handle special requirements and provide automatic handling of specific elements.  One of the most requested features is a collection of related images, usually photos, with related information, e.g., captions and/or more detailed information.  This is a demonstration of one way to display related images in what we'll call a Gallery or Scrapbook.

The body of the gallery contains information about the gallery itself.  There are no constraints upon what can be included in the body.

One image from the collection (gallery) may be displayed in a large format preceding the body field in the full, or default, view.  You will see a sample above.

All images will appear after the body in a thumbnail format.  The thumbnail images will be linked to a "light box" display of all images where each image may be viewed individually in a large format and where the site visitor may view successive images with simple mouse clicks, or taps on the screen for tablets and smartphones.  There are several different libraries that we can use for the light box display.  Two modules that we've used in the past include Lightbox2 and Colorbox.  Both are quite good and very flexible.  They also suffer from a common problem when used with responsive themes, they don't adapt the way we would like.  Right now, we're using FancyBox.  It works very well "out of the box" and always shows complete images regardless of the display size.  We're using FancyBox here.

Photo credit:  The images in this display, like others on this site, were provided by our good friend and outstanding photographer, Rick Perry.  Thanks again, Rick!